Get to know your zodiac sign

Maria Clara Eimmart, Volle Maan, Nürnberg, ca. 1693-98

Maria Clara Eimmart, Volle Maan, Nürnberg, ca. 1693-98 © Museo della Specola, Università di Bologna


    Get to know your zodiac sign

    When people used to look up at night they would see all kinds of crazy figures in the stars. They would pierce the sky with their eyes and suddenly see a bull or a fish appear. In this way, all kinds of star signs were created. In this art activity sheet you will learn about your own constellation and get to work with the zodiac.

    Maria Clara Eimmart, Volle Maan, Nürnberg, ca. 1693-98

    Maria Clara Eimmart, Volle Maan, Nürnberg, ca. 1693-98 © Museo della Specola, Università di Bologna