Sounds like art: 'Art forms'

Messieurs Delmotte

Messieurs Delmotte, Les Points d'Eau, 1993, Cera-kunstcollectie bij M Leuven © de kunstenaar.


Art forms

For this series 'Sounds like art' we will look at four different art forms: photography, sculpting, painting and textile. Take a dive into this diverse collection and experience art in a unique way. 


Listen to the first episode and let your imagination run wild. Afterwards, look at the artwork behind the story. Enjoy listening!

Messieurs Delmotte

Messieurs Delmotte, Les Points d'Eau, 1993, Cera-kunstcollectie bij M Leuven © de kunstenaar.


The Roman goddess is depicted in the centre. With one foot on the ground and the other knee bent, she seems to be running, her brown cloak streaming out behind her.

Do you have an idea what the artwork could look like? Yes? Then it's time to take a peek!

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Tax Collectors

The man on the right is resting his right forearm on his neighbour’s shoulder and pointing to the open register. Only he is looking in our direction, a little grin on his face.

Do you have an idea what the artwork could look like? Yes? Then it's time to take a peek!

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The Cold Stone

He is sitting motionless on a stone, his legs slightly bent, his hands are at waist level and crossed at the wrists, which are tied together with a thick, looped rope. The same rope also binds the ankles of his bare feet.

Do you have an idea what the artwork could look like? Yes? Then it's time to take a peek!

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Messieurs Delmotte

He is the artist’s alter ego. Delmotte is a dandy who carries out foolish and futile actions which the artist photographs or videos. What is the character planning here?

Do you have an idea what the artwork could look like? Yes? Then it's time to take a peek!

Discover the artwork