
Ines Lechleitner

  • Exhibition
Installatiezicht Ines Lechleitner © M Leuven | foto: Lukas Hoffmann

Vue de l’exposition Ines Lechleitner, Objets Reposés © M Leuven | photo: Lukas Hoffmann

Objets Reposés

Ines Lechleitner (Vienna, 1978; lives in Berlin) uses a wide range of artistic mediums such as photography, video, drawing, sculpture, performance and artists’ books. In her work she analyzes different means of communication and investigates how sound, images and text relate to each other. In particular she deals with systems of non-verbal communication such as sign language or acoustic language.

Installatiezicht Ines Lechleitner © M Leuven | foto: Lukas Hoffmann

In her recent project Sense Correspondence Lechleitner addresses questions of sensory translation in dialogue with artists, writers and scientists. How does one sense relate to the other? How can one sensory experience be evoked by another or even transferred to another? Consequently, the artist also explores how a certain sensory impression or motif can be translated from one medium to another.