Celebrate Mother's day

‘Maria met kind’, Joos van Cleve, ca. 1510-1540, M Leuven

‘Maria met kind’, Joos van Cleve, ca. 1510-1540, M Leuven, foto Dominique Provost voor meemoo. Art in Flanders


Celebrate Mother's day

For centuries mothers and children have been favourite subjects of artists. Which is why there are so many paintings and sculptures of mothers and families in M’s collection. The most famous mother of all times? That's Mary, the mother of Jesus. People were so fond of her that she appears in countless paintings, sculptures and other works of art. Time to delve a little deeper!

‘Maria met kind’, Joos van Cleve, ca. 1510-1540, M Leuven

‘Maria met kind’, Joos van Cleve, ca. 1510-1540, M Leuven, foto Dominique Provost voor meemoo. Art in Flanders