Help 'The Prodigal Son'

M Leuven, foto: Dominique Provost voor meemoo. Art in Flanders

‘De verloren zoon in gebed’, Brabant, ca. 1525-1575, M Leuven, foto M Leuven


Help 'The Prodigal Son'

There was once a boy who one day decided to run away from home and go off on an adventure. He took all his things and left to see the world. This made his father very sad. But the boy’s journey turned out to be much more difficult than he had thought, and he soon began to long for his family.


Curious about the rest of the story? Then quickly open this art activity sheet!

M Leuven, foto: Dominique Provost voor meemoo. Art in Flanders

‘De verloren zoon in gebed’, Brabant, ca. 1525-1575, M Leuven, foto M Leuven