Souffleur, what is the meaning of 'prefiguration'?

Triptiek met het Laatste Avondmaal en bijbelse taferelen: Elias en de engel (linker zijluik)



Art, like all domains, has its own vocabulary. In ‘Souffleur’, M staff explain and provide background to technical terms that may sound familiar to you but for which you never knew, or maybe have forgotten, the exact meaning.

Triptiek met het Laatste Avondmaal en bijbelse taferelen: Elias en de engel (linker zijluik)

Babette Rummens, Collaborator collection management and accessibility: “Prefiguration” is a theological term that literally means “pre-imagination”. It refers to people or events from the Old Testament that you might interpret as a foreshadowing of people or events from the New Testament.”


“‘The Last Supper’ by Dieric Bouts could be seen as one big prefiguration. The middle panel shows the last supper of Christ and his apostles. The side panels depict scenes from the Old Testament dealing with bread and offerings, all prophetic references to the Last Supper and the Eucharist.”

“At the bottom left, for example, you can see the Jewish Passover meal. After their exile in Egypt, Yahweh required Jews to slaughter a lamb, roast it and eat it with unleavened bread. The platter on which you see the lamb is the antithesis of the empty platter in the middle panel where Christ himself assumed the role of the sacrificial lamb.”


“At the bottom right, Bouts painted the prophet Elijah in the desert. He is depicted with an earthen cup topped with a loaf of bread which, again, is a prefigruation of the Eucharist. Bouts was the first to present Elijah’s story that way.”


“Not that he came up with all that himself. The contract with the patron - the Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament - from 1464 has survived and it describes the scenes he was to paint on the shutters. It also says he had to be advised by two theologians from the university. These included ensuring that Bouts rendered the prefigurations correctly.”

Triptiek met het Laatste Avondmaal: joods Paasmaal (linker zijluik)
Triptiek met het Laatste Avondmaal en bijbelse taferelen: Elias en de engel (linker zijluik)